How volunteering can have a direct impact on your career
How volunteering could help your career
How volunteering could help your career
Adrian Moorhouse and Sue Anstiss, board members of Leisure Focus. Former Olympic swimmer Adrian Moorhouse is just one of the growing number of people who are offering to share skills and experience on a Board in order to help a local organisation. Adrian joined the Board of Leisure Focus – a […]
Putting yourself forward to sit on a Board and become a Non-Executive Director is a really rewarding experience with many benefits – both professionally and personally. Not only will it help to develop your business acumen and enhance your CV, but you’ll get to play an active role in the success and growth of an […]
Leadership. What does it mean to you? What makes a great leader? What would your definition of an inspiring leader be? At a recent meeting, I attended this topic came up. It was interesting that the majority of people thought leadership could be taught. When I put the same question to my colleagues I received […]
Having a routine can be great, but if you are stuck in a rut and afraid to step outside your comfort zone you could be limiting your life choices – both professionally and personally. Our comfort zone is where we feel safe and at ease, and for many people it means the same daily routine […]