In the latest of our Property Leadership interviews, Philip Foster talks to Nicola Clayton, a housing professional with 30 years’ experience in the sector and now a leading voice in the MMC (modern methods of construction) industry. Nicola gives her expert opinion on how MMC can play a significant role in addressing the UK housing crisis and shares her experiences as a successful leader.

What are you passionate about?

People! People can’t be happy and healthy unless they have a safe, warm and stable home.  Where and how you live affects every aspect of your life, so I’m passionate about getting the basics right. So, I’m determined to increase and improve the provision and standards of sustainable homes in the UK. I feel particularly passionate about increasing the delivery of social and emergency housing.

Talk me through your career route and highpoints

My career in housing spans over three decades, starting as a Junior Housing Clerk and progressing to senior roles and then moving to the private sector. My career highs include securing support and housing for some very vulnerable residents to leading strategic housing projects, securing significant funding for housing initiatives, developing hundreds of affordable homes. Apart from seeing people moving into their homes, I love the friendships that I have built along the way. I’m still in touch with people I worked with 20 years ago.

What do you enjoy about your current role?

As Head of Business Development at Etopia, my role is very varied which I love. I have written and delivered our sales and marketing strategies, engaging with key stakeholders from Chief Executives to site operatives. Seeing the residents move into their new homes is the absolute best. I feel I’m good at explaining and educating clients about the benefits of the Etopia system, housing and MMC in general. I enjoy meeting people, building meaningful industry relationships, and contributing to the conversation and drive for a society where everyone has access to a home that is healthy and meets their needs.

What do you think are the biggest issues facing the housing sector?

There’s been talk of a housing crisis since before I began my housing career. It’s so severe now as we’ve never tackled it and the crisis has spread from social, to affordable homes to first time buyers and homeowners struggling after interest rate rises and those in the private sector struggling too.

The main factor is that there are not enough homes. I don’t think that there is one silver bullet that will solve it, and it will take 10 years to make a dent, but there are several critical issues:

Building 90k social rent homes could save the economy £52bn – this is because of the ripple effect of poor physical and mental health, stress, reduced educational attainment, worklessness etc. Having a healthy home that you can afford to heat, get a decent night’s sleep and not have to worry about eviction or choosing between heating and eating is huge! I feel that the Government should “spend to save” buy creating the infrastructure needed for new homes – roads, doctors, schools etc and then developers will follow.

We also need to embrace and encourage alternative funding for affordable and social homes. Combining investment (ESG or Pension Funds) with tax breaks or gifts of land owned by the Government could improve the viability of development.

It’s not just about affordable housing – homes of all tenures and sizes from bungalows and flats to 3-bed homes are needed to ensure that there is enough space within the housing market for people to get onto and move up and down the housing ladder.

How can MMC play a role in solving the UK housing crisis?

Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) can play a significant role in addressing the UK housing crisis by speeding up the construction process, reducing costs, and improving the quality and energy efficiency of homes. MMC also allows for more innovative and sustainable building practices that can help meet the growing demand for affordable housing.

What advice would you give someone looking to launch or develop a career in MMC?

For those looking to develop a career in MMC, I advise gaining a deep understanding of the sector, staying updated with the latest technologies and regulations, and building a strong professional network. It’s also essential to be adaptable, continuously seek learning opportunities, and focus on sustainability and quality in all projects.

You’re a successful leader, what are your secrets to effective leadership?

Effective leadership, in my view, involves authenticity, clear communication, emotional intelligence, and the ability to build and maintain strong relationships. It’s crucial to empower team members, foster a collaborative environment, and lead by example. My success in managing teams and delivering large-scale projects highlights the importance of strategic planning and a commitment to continuous improvement.

What are your thoughts on achieving the net zero target and how does MMC fit in?

The term Net Zero and what it means is still being discussed. For me it’s ensuring that we stop producing carbon emissions completely.  The Law currently states that the UK will achieve this by 2050.

Homes currently produce 40% of all carbon emissions because of the way we heat, cook and get hot water in our homes. This is because we use natural gas and how we generate electricity.

To minimise the heat required to keep a home comfortable the fabric of the home must be well insulated to ensure that the cold temperatures outside don’t affect the temperature inside. This is called fabric first and why the initial consultation on of the Future Homes Standard set challenging targets to make sure homes were built to a high standard to reduce energy consumption.  Unfortunately, the revised consultation that was released in December 2023 left those standards unchanged. High performing external fabrics are much easier to achieve with MMC in a manufacturing environment than through traditional building methodologies.

This also means that the homes we are building now aren’t going to save enough energy to be net zero and will need retrofitting before 2050 to meet the standard. Even if we only use renewable energy, bills will be expensive as we will use more electricity and as a country we will need to spend £bns to upgrade the electricity infrastructure, all because we aren’t biting the bullet on MMC and higher fabric standards.

I believe that when the skills shortage really takes hold and mortgage lenders have more and more customers wishing to borrow more to retrofit their homes, significant change will happen.