Many people find discussing money difficult. But when it comes to your wage, this is no time to skirt around the issue. Whether you feel your current pay packet doesn’t reflect your worth or you are about to start a new position, it’s important to negotiate your salary. Why negotiate your pay The first thing […]
When the best job candidates are on the look out for new opportunities there’s a wide variety of things for them to consider before applying to their preferred employers. The company’s ethos, location and salary packages will all be in the mix. But let’s not forget the importance of the workplace too. A good workplace […]
Qualifying for your profession is a task that can take years of study, training and practical work experience. So it’s an amazing feeling when you are finally ready to start your job. However, if you want your career to progress in leaps and bounds then Continual Professional Development is a must. The good news is […]
It’s widely recognised that flexible working can benefit everyone, not just employees. So it’s important that organisations not already offering it as standard consider adding policies that offer greater work-life balance into their business model. Common types of flexible working involve working from home, working part-time, job sharing, working compressed hours or a combination of […]
Looking ahead to 2020, we would like to wish all our clients every success in the year to come. Whether you will be recruiting rising stars for your business or searching for your next exciting challenge, we look forward to helping you bring all the perfect pieces together. Before the festive celebrations get underway we […]